【麥克書店】兒童中階彩色讀本(MY READING LIBRARY) 之前看朋友買,感覺還不錯,而且又不貴,剛好有需求就來買回家用用看

momo 嬰兒和孕媽咪的商品粉多,也很齊全,常常又可以用折價券購買,價格比別家的都好,所以我是他的死忠客戶


單書: 19.5*13.2cm
整套: 20.5*20.5cm (含外盒)



1. The King's Pudding (First Reading Level Three)

2. The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs (First Reading Level Three)

3. Chicken Licken (First Reading Level Three)

4. The Musicians of Bremen (First Reading Level Three)

5. The Mouse's Wedding (First Reading Level Three)

6. The Boy Who Cried Wolf (First Reading Level Three)

7. The Magic Pear Tree (First Reading Level Three)

8. The dinosaur who lost his roar (First Reading Level Three)

9. The Enormous Turnip (First Reading Level Three)

10. The Three Little Pigs (First Reading Level Three)

11. The Little Red Hen (First Reading Level Three)

12. The Gingerbread Man (First Reading Level Three)

13. The Magic Porridge Pot (First Reading Level Three)

14. The Leopard and the Sky God (First Reading Level Three)

15. The Tin Soldier (First Reading Level Four)

16. The Golden Carpet (First Reading Level Four)

17. The Runaway Pancake (First Reading Level Four)

18. The Ugly Duckling (First Reading Level Four)

19. The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse (First Reading Level Four)

20. Goldilocks and the Three Bears (First Reading Level Four)

21. Little Red Riding Hood (First Reading Level Four)

22. The Reluctant Dragon (First Reading Level Four)

23. The Inch Prince (First Reading Level Four)

24. The Emperor and the Nightingale (First Reading Level Four)

25. Androcles and the Lion (First Reading Level Four)

26. The Hare and the Tortoise (First Reading Level Four)

27. Baba Yaga - The Flying Witch (First Reading Level Four)

28. The Owl and the Pussy Cat (First Reading Level Four)

29. Princess Polly and the pony (First Reading Level Four)

30. Dick Whittington (First Reading Level Four)

31. Cinderella (Young Reading Series One)

32. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Young Reading Series One)

33. Saint George and the Dragon (Young Reading Series One)

34. The Wooden Horse (Young Reading Series One)

35. The Monkey King (Young Reading Series One)

36. Aladdin and his Magical Lamp (Young Reading Series One)

37. Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves (Young Reading Series One)

38. The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor (Young Reading Series One)

39. Jack and the Beanstalk (Young Reading Series One)

40. The Princess and the Pea (Young Reading Series One)

41. The Little Mermaid (Young Reading Series One)

42. The Nutcracker (Young Reading Series One)

43. Puss in Boots (Young Reading Series One)

44. The Frog Prince (Young Reading Series One)

45. Hansel and Gretel (Young Reading Series One)

46. The Elves and the Shoemaker (Young Reading Series One)

47. Rumpelstiltskin (Young Reading Series One)

48. Rapunzel (Young Reading Series One)

49. Sleeping Beauty (Young Reading Series One)

50. The runaway princess (Young Reading Series One)


  • 品號:3312464

  • 中階讀本適合可以自行閱讀的孩子
  • 耳熟能詳的經典童話故事
  • 畫風優美而且易於攜帶




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